Sunday, February 21, 2010

MMC 14 - First Thoughts

Got home from Millennium Music Conference 14 late this afternoon. Two full days of networking, mentoring, meetings, and of course - music. I'l probably write more later about some of the goings on of the conference, but for now I'll settle for giving some shout outs to a few of the best acts I saw this year.

One band that I really liked last year came back and was even better. Vs The Earth is a damn strong Alt Rock contender from the Baltimore MD area. Well written music, with a heck of a live performance. When you check them out, be sure to tell Adam that I sent you.

It is very rare to find a truly new band that is as tight as Driving Vegas. These guys have been together for only about five months, but their performace was like they've been working together for years. Their music is jazzy-pop-alt rock. They're from Central PA, but do seem to venture east to Philly, so give them a listen if you get the chance.

I don't use the term "blown away" much anymore, but that's just what I was by The Stella Frays. They weren't even on my radar, but I needed a show to fill an hour, and our friends Heather and CK needed a ride...someone was trying to tell me that I had to see theis British Trio. I'll call them Bowie + Beatles + The Clash. WOW.

Definitely on my radar because of all of the buzz around them was Pan.a.ce.a. They didn't disappoint. Hard-edged rock from Central PA. See them while you can, I have a feeling that pretty soon these guys are going to get their shot at the big time.

Paula and I mentored several other acts, but I'm not going to judge them after listening to their stuff for about 3 minutes. I'll save them for another day and another note. There were also plenty of acts that Paula saw that I didn't, among the ones that she raved about were Jon Conover and Ivan Swangren.

The next week or so is going to be a lot of listening to the pile of discs on our desks. I'll let you know what other gems I find.